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Samantha Lavan » Introduction


Hello!  My name is Samantha Lavan and I am very excited to be a teacher in 6th grade. I'd like to begin by telling you about myself.  I am married and have two little girls named Lilliana and Sophie. We also have a little boy named Camdyn. I graduated from Somerset High School and I graduated college from University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown. I continued my education at Calu for my Masters Degree in STEM. I have previously worked at Ferndale Elementary for three years. I also was an assistant basketball coach at Ferndale. I taught at Divine Mercy Catholic Academy as a Pre-K-K teacher. I recently moved from Blacklick Elementary that I was working at for 5 years. I was a fourth grade teacher my first year at BV then a fifth grade teacher my second year and back to 4th for the rest of my time there. I started the STEM program at BV and continued pushing STEM by creating a Lego League group that I coached.