Weather Related Announcement With the current weather forecast for tomorrow we wanted parents to be aware that IF there is a 2-hour delay, we WILL STILL have early dismissal.
Dec. 10: Public Hearings on future of Middle School and Elementary School Renovation Project (click here for full notice) On Tuesday, December 10, 2024, there will be a public meeting to present information and take public comments on the future of the North Star Middle School building at 5 p.m. and concerning the North Star Central Elementary renovation project at 6 p.m., both at the North Star High School Auditorium, 400 Ohio St., Boswell, PA.
Mid Terms Wednesday, Sept. 25th is our half way point for the current 9 weeks, which will end on October 28th. All grades can be viewed on PowerSchool. The Middle School no longer sends mid-term papers home with the students. If you need parent access for PowerSchool, you will need to come to the building, sign the permission for the password to be given to you. Please call if there are any questions.
Class Ring found- Class of '79 There was a North Star class ring from the Class of 1973 turned into the District. Contact the Administration office for more information.